Friday, April 22, 2011

Livestrong Austin 2011

One of my goals for 2011 was to walk and ride a bike for the upcoming Livestrong Austin event. I've had to modify my goals a bit, I don't think i'll be ready to ride at the event. However I have registered to walk in the 5k.

To say that i'm excited is a major understatement.

I almost cried.

Okay, I did cry.

If anyone is interested in donating, even one dollar, I would really appreciate it. Here is the link to my website.

Monday, April 11, 2011

It's been one hell of a week

This week has been crazy. Crazy I tell you. I either haven't time to sit down and type, been too tired to think of what to type, and the one day I did have a chance the (insert curse word of your choice) computer unplugged itself and died.

Here is one reason things were so crazy

Baby girl is okay. She was a trooper and had to be IV sedated to have an abscess lanced. She impressed the doctors and the nurses with how well she did. That's my girl!

Now that I got the important stuff over with, on to me.

I am doing really well. Only two more days and I can get rid of the brace. It's a "one size fits none" model and no amount of cutting or velcro will keep it on my leg. It likes to do a slooooowwww slide down my leg when I start sweating, eventually it ends up around my ankle and I have to unsnap it to get it back up. Big pain in the rear end.

In physical therapy I have been able to use the Elliptical machine. It gets less awkward the more I use it but I am still out of breath in 10 minutes, and I'm drenched in sweat. Which makes it fun when I move onto mat work and stick to the mat. Like today, with my poor sunburned skin. Yeah, not pleasant. Along with the Elliptical machine kicking my butt I am doing lots of new exercises AND agility work with the ladder. I was SO happy I didn't fall flat on my face the first time I navigated the ladder. Making a fool of myself is something I do very easily, I just don't want to do it there.

This afternoon I did some assisted pull-ups with my new pull-up bands. Unfortunately I am still a weee too heavy for the band to really help so I ended up doing a jumping/band assist combo. Ten overhand and six underhand. At least it's a start and the kids thought it was pretty cool.

Non leg related I am starting a "house reorganization" project. When we moved here I was on crutches so things didn't get done/put away the way I normally would have. Now that I can move around, am cooking more and seeing more of the house I have decided it's time for a major cleaning/organization project. I started on the kitchen today and will hopefully finish tomorrow. I have already warned the long suffering husband and kids to be prepared.