Sunday, November 21, 2010

No Regrets

I am meeting with my Physical Therapist tomorrow to see how my leg strength and range of motion (ROM) is doing. Not that any of that will really matter after my surgery, since i'll be starting from square one, but it will be a good time to ask her some questions. Like what to expect Physical Therapy wise after surgery and how long it will take to get back to normal.

I've had quite a few people ask me, since learning about my upcoming surgery, why my doctor didn't just replace my knee in the first place. Or do I regret the decision I made 18 months ago, knowing what I now know. I can honestly say that no, I wouldn't have done anything differently and I have no regrets. Even though my life has been a challenge the past 18 months I am grateful that I had this chance that this surgery gave me of going back to a normal life. By all accounts this surgery was succesful, my body did what is was supposed to. I grew healthy and strong bone. My knee just couldn't take it anymore. But that's also okay because honestly my knee did better than a lot of people expected. I was able to get back full range of motion, even after 2 surgeries.

Now i'm looking forward to the New Year with a new leg and knee. Also with new hope. New hope to walk, ride my bike, dance (hint, hint Gabe) and do activities with the kids.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Brenda, I just want you to know how proud I am of you. You've managed to still remaIn positive and strong. So glad that you put things in perspective got me. Thanks for being u.