Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Déjà vu

 Broken Screw 2009

 Joint inflamation from Osteobridge 2010

One year ago today I was at the Kansas University Hospital having surgery to fix a broken screw in my knee. Today i'm sitting here with a broken knee joint (im)patiently waiting until January to have surgery to have it replaced.

What a difference a year makes.

There isn't much new going on right now. Just lots of swelling and pain. My pre op appointment is in a week, on the 15th, and I should find out when i'm having surgery. Keep your fingers crossed  that I can have my surgery the beginning of January. Dr. Alderedy did say that whenever I was ready he'd do it... i'm ready NOW, but don't want to recover over the Christmas Holiday. I'd like the kids to have memories of Christmas that don't involve mom high on Narcotics.

The good news is that I found 2 people on the Chondrosarcoma support board who have had the surgery I am about to have. Both said that they were off crutches in a few weeks (my surgeon told me 6) and the only exercise they can't do is run. I can live with that! Both people did need surgery for their knee cap a few years after the initial Compression Distal Femur Replacement but other than that there have been no complications.

If anyone is interested. Here is what my new and improved femur and knee will look like.

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