Monday, May 23, 2011

My Mother's Day weekend

First family hike in almost 2 years! I was hiding from the sun.

I almost cried. First time on a horse in a few years. I LOVE horses, and it's one of the things I was most concerned about when I got my diagnosis. I wanted to take this boy home with me :).

 I got to sit on Oreo, the Steer. He was awesome and oh so soft. 

The family. It's awesome to be able to to do family activities again.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Still alive

It has been crazy here. Crazy. In the month of April and the first 2 weeks of May I had at least one sick kid per week. The climax was reached the second week of May when I was at the hospital every-single-day for various appointments. To be fair one of them was my own, but still. It felt like I lived there. I did have to go again this week, for my quarterly chest x-ray, so I have been to the hospital at least once per week for 7 weeks. Yuck.

My appointment was to see my surgeon who gave me clearance to do this

Because of this

Isn't that an awesome x-ray? The tech took it while I was standing up. This shows lots of bone growth, lots of muscle growth and an implant that is holding up really well. Because of that I have been cleared to do pretty much anything besides martial arts, aerobics and sports like volleyball. Oh and running, of course.

Physical therapy is going really well and becoming more challenging. Some of the new exercises are one-legged squats, ladder drills while "jogging"/shuffling, monster walks, one-legged bridges (HATE these with a passion) and long arc quads with ankle weights. I notice that i'm not limping as bad as before and I can tell by the way my clothes fit that the muscle in my legs and butt is growing. It's awesome and i'm very excited.

It feels like a fog has been lifted and I can see clearly again.