Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Surgery Tomorrow!

My pre-op appointment was early this morning, at 7:30. Orthopedics warned me that it could take up to 4 hours, but the receptionist at the pre-admission unit assured us we would be done in 2 hours. HA! When we left the hospital it was 11:30. Orthopedics for the win!! The appointment was pretty uneventful, just filled out lots of paperwork (my husband wanted to be funny, for the question "What is your race" he put "human". Ha Ha.),
 gave a vial of blood, had a chest x-ray taken and talked to a nurse about what to do to prepare for the surgery. I have to shower tonight and tomorrow morning and they gave me some special soap to use, if I wash my hair I can't use any conditioner. I also talked to the Nurse Anaesthetist to find out what to expect with my medication and she made note of some things that I have had issues with in the past.

The plan for tomorrow is to arrive at the hospital at 5:45, check in and get situated. Someone, not a student, will start my IV. I'll answer the same questions I've been asked 10x's already, fill out a form or two, and wait for the good drugs to arrive. The big difference will be that once I get into the operating room I will get an epidural, whereas last time they gave me the nerve block in the waiting area. I am hoping that the epidural will work much, much better than the nerve block. The only thing I'm really nervous about is the pain after I wake up and for the first 2-3 days.


Gina, Ken, Matthew and Lincoln Phillips said...

Good luck!! Sending lots of prayers!!

Anonymous said...

Praying you have much less pain this time. Thinking of you.

Jennifer Barnes said...

Thought about you today! Hope all went well!!